GPUlab is a competence center and laboratory for the innovative use of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) for visualization, scientific computations, and high-performance computing. The purpose of GPUlab is to attract focal interests in the use of GPUs by engineering students, researchers, and Danish industry.

GPUlab is managed by DTU Computing Center at DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark

To learn more, contact one of:

In addition to the above, the following people were also associated with the original research project:


GPUlab was originally funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research - Technology and Production Sciences (FTP).

  • Title of research project: "Desktop Scientific Computing on Consumer Graphics Cards".
  • Principal investigator: Professor Per Christian Hansen.
  • Duration: January 2010 - November 2013.

Some of the hardware in GPUlab was donated by NVIDIA's Academic Partnership Program in 2010 and 2011.


Real-time interactive ocean ship-wave simulation

We are developing a ship-hydrodynamic model for real-time ship-wave interaction to be used in a full mission marine simulators...


Auto-tuning of Dense Linear Algebra on GPUs

We have implemented an auto-tuning framework that can automate the performance tuning process by running a large set of empirical evaluations to configure applications...


GPULab Library

– a High-performance GPU-based Library for the Development of Scientific Applications. We have an ongoing development of a GPU-based generic C++ library for scientific computing...

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